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      Nicotine vaping in England: 2022 evidence update main findings

      in the short and medium term, vaping poses a small fraction of the risks of smoking...

      Published 29 September 2022 by UK Government (original article found here)

      1. The review

      This evidence review is the eighth in a series of independent reports on vaping originally commissioned by Public Health England and now by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities in the Department of Health and Social Care.

      This report was led by academics at King’s College London with a group of international collaborators and is the most comprehensive to date. Its main focus is a systematic review of the evidence on the health risks of nicotine vaping.

      2. Health risks

      The report primarily looks at data on human exposure to vaping, complemented with findings from animal and cell studies. It provides the most robust evidence on health risks of vaping to date. It also assesses the relative risks of vaping compared with smoking, as well as the absolute risks of vaping compared with not vaping or smoking.

      2.1 Overall conclusions

      Based on the evidence that the team reviewed, the conclusions were that:

      • in the short and medium term, vaping poses a small fraction of the risks of smoking
      • vaping is not risk-free, particularly for people who have never smoked
      • evidence is mostly limited to short and medium term effects and studies assessing longer term vaping (for more than 12 months) are necessary
      • more standardised and consistent methodologies in future studies would improve interpretation of the evidence

      2.2 Biomarkers of toxicant exposure

      Biomarkers of toxicant exposure are measurements of potentially harmful substance levels in the body. The evidence reviewed suggests there is:

      • significantly lower exposure to harmful substances from vaping compared with smoking, as shown by biomarkers associated with the risk of cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular conditions
      • similar or higher exposure to harmful substances from vaping compared with not using nicotine products
      • no significant increase of toxicant biomarkers after short-term secondhand exposure to vaping among people who do not smoke or vape


      If you want read more on this study, click here

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      What's Happening to Juul?

      Grab onto your vape devices everyone! The government is on the attack again! They are trying to take vaping off the market from one of the biggest in the business…Juul!  

      The news broke on June 22nd. “The U.S. The Food and Drug Administration is preparing to order Juul Labs Inc. to take its e-cigarettes off the market in the United States, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with the matter.”  

      While White Horse Vapor sympathizes with Juul’s latest predicament and how unfair this is, we urge our friends and customers not to resort to smoking cigarettes again, whatever you do! We are here for you in full force and ready to take up the slack if Juul was your brand of choice!  

      We have thousands of different brands and flavors on VAPEWH.com just waiting for you to enjoy. Make the seamless transition to obtaining the vapes you love from us! You should also consider stocking up on extras as one never knows which companies will be targeted next.  

      White Horse Vapor is here for you! Continue to puff-- but just in case, make sure you buy enough!

      Vaping is 95% Safer Than Smoking Tobacco

      Is vaping actually 95% safer than smoking? The answer is yes and there's scientific evidence supported by leading health organizations to prove it.

      Public Health England (the English Government Public Health Agency) and The Royal College of Physicians reached the same conclusion after conducting comprehensive, independent reviews of e-cigarettes in 2015, 2016, and 2018. 

      The Royal College of Physicians concluded, "... the available data suggest that they are unlikely to exceed 5% of those associated with smoking tobacco products, and may well be substantially lower than this figure."

      To summarize, The Royal College of Physicians, a British professional membership body dedicated to improving the practice of medicine, states that vaping is 95% safer than smoking traditional cigarettes. 

      To even prove their scientific research even further, the same 95% figure had been estimated by an international expert panel assembled by the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs in 2014. Their studies included 12 products and 14 harm criteria. 

      In the United States, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, made a statement that e-cigarettes and vaping are "far less harmful" but did not give an exact percentage. Even though an exact figure wasn't presented, it's SAFE to assume that vaping is indeed much more safer than smoking cigarettes and provides a a glimpse of the realistic level of risk which is meaningful for smokers looking to switch.

      How Was The 95% Figure Reached?

      Almost all the harm from smoking a traditional cigarette comes from the inhalation of smoke and tar. Not to mention the thousands of other chemicals and toxins produced from burning tobacco. Vaping, instead, aerosolizes a liquid with far fewer ingredients without the need for combustion. In return, the risk from vaping is immensely lower than smoking. This is due to the absent of smoke and toxins; which contains lower than 1% in vapor products. The lower levels of toxins result in lower health risks.

      Also, toxins and carcinogens measured in the body of vape users are far lower compared to smokers. It makes sense why there hasn't been one death so far from vaping nicotine only.

      Health improvements from vaping can also be measured compared to smokers; from reduced risk of heart attack and stroke, lower blood pressure, as well as improvements in asthma and emphysema. All-in-all, people feel a lot better and their well being improves when switching over to vape.

      Finally, and one of the most important points, the risk of cancer is estimated to be less than 1% of the risk from smoking combustible cigarettes.

      The Benefits of Blankz Pods

      The Benefits of Blankz Pods
      Technology is always advancing and vaping technology is no exception. The introduction of vape pods has drastically changed the way people vape and that's why people are turning to Blankz Pods. 

      Read more